This book is written by Anne Rooney and written horrible facts. This book is about facts that are horrible that they are very hard to believe. Featuring gross truth about the human body, food, animals, history, science, and even world records in horribleness. It is a real education in all things rotten. This book has a team of cartoon characters that guides you and tells you some horrible facts on this book; did you know that the average person loses 7 fluid ounces (200 millilitres) of water a day in his or her crap? And also did you know that in the Northern Australia, children often eat green ants. Pick them up squish the head so they nibble you, and bite of the body. Some are actually dangerous and people have spent many years training themselves to do that. So don't try this at home!
Some of the facts of this book have actually got some helpful tips because I just learned if I get an cut on my arm or somewhere on my body and if my blood on my cut touches with someone else's blood I will catch aids. Well I hope not, and I know that it is very contagious to that to myself, but that is why this book is here to teach me so I will be fine. If you're interested on reading horrible facts or stories just look for this title, if you dare!
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